Invitation to all friends of kayaking, canoeing and rowing
The Danube, one of the largest rivers in the world crosses Europe from the West to
the East and connects ten countries. The
Tour International Danubien (TID)
the longest trip for canoes, kayaks and rowboats takes place on this river since 1956.
The TID is a long-distance boats tour where you carry your own luggage and tents.
The actual route starts off in Ingolstadt (Germany), usually on the second last weekend
of June, from where it leads through the co-organizing countries Austria, Slovakia,
Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania. It terminates in the first week of September
after 2475 kilometers in Sfantu Gheorghe at the Black Sea. Due to the war in the
Ukraine the Romanian leg has to be shortened for security reasons.
The political importance of the TID is immense. Its main target, set from the beginning,
was to bring together people from diverse cultures with all their political, religious and
ideological differencies. Furthermore, friendships should be built, the solidarity among
all sportsmen and people of other countries should be strengthened, and friendship
and peace of people, especially the Danube countries, should be promoted.
Upon the order of the annual meeting of the highest board, the TID conference
schedules conditions for participation requirements, and possible changes of the
statutes are discussed and defined. In addition, the conference decides on TID awards.
The official language of the TID is German (e.g. letters, meeting minutes etc.)
The varying fees in each country are not much more than a symbolic contribution to
support the organisation, which relies on volunteers and lots of people's own initiative
in every participating country.
After registration, you can join or leave the tour at any of the planned camping sites.
You can plan your day individually and go at your own pace. Physical and mental
requirements are enormous. The daily distances are between 30 to 60 kilometers and
must be completed regardless of the weather conditions (heat, rain, storm) or water
level. In regards to weight and volume, a well selected, complete and high quality
equipment is essential for a successful participation in the TID.
The conditions and rules for the participation have to be accepted and followed.
In case of health problems we strongly advise you to refrain from a participation.
For shorter legs of the TID five bus lines will bring or collect participants mostly close
to country borders along the Danube.
On the TID you will meet people of any age and from all over the world. We warmly
invite all friends of long distance boats trips to join us on this adventurous tour full of
memorable moments.
Gottfried Molz,