Die Tour 2025 beginnt am 28. Juni 2025 in Ingolstadt und endet am 06. September in Brăila

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Tour - International - Danubien e. V. (TID)
Tour » Registration 2025 » Binding online-registration

Please fill in all with * marked fields. (mandatory fields)

Personal Data
Salutation *
First name *
Last Name *
Date of birth (TT.MM.JJJJ) *
Place of birth *
Country of birth *
Street *
Postcode / Place of residence *  
Country *
Contact data
Country code / Telephone Fixed network * (or a mobile number see below)  
Country code/ mobile number used on the tour * (or a mobile number see above)  
Email *

The following must be notified in the event of an emergency
Salutation *
First name *
Last Name *
Street *
Postcode / Place of residence *  
Country *
Country code / fixed network number or mobile number *  

Member of Deutscher Kanu-Verband
Member of Deutscher Kanu-Verband
Club name *
Position in club

Details of the boat
Type of boat *
Boat name *

Information about the paddle route
Stage 1 *Stage 2 - if planned
Start point *
Strecke bis *

You have chosen Erlau as your starting point.
At the start in Erlau there is the possibility to participate in the final evening of the German course.
A fee of 25€ will be charged.

You have chosen Erlau as your starting point.
At the start in Erlau there is the possibility to participate in the final evening of the German course.
A fee of 25€ will be charged.

You have chosen Erlau as your starting point.
At the start in Erlau there is the possibility to participate in the final evening of the German course.
A fee of 25€ will be charged.

Sie haben als Startpunkt Mohács gewählt.
Bei Start in Mohács besteht die Möglichkeit an dem Abschlussabend der ungarischen Strecke teilzunehmen.
Dabei wir eine Gebühr von 5€ erhoben

Only to be filled in for participants in Serbia and Croatia
Passport nummber *
valid until (TT.MM.JJJJ) *

I need the following bus transfers (see Departure and arrival times of the transfer bus and fee schedule) :
 Stage 1 Stage 2 - if planned
Bustransfer to start point  
Bustransfer from endpoint  
Boat length greater than 5,5m
I need a parking space in Winzer
I need a parking space in Coswig(Anhalt)

If necessary, I am also prepared to take over
the group leadership for a TID stage

CANCELLATION: Cancellation notifications must be received by May 31, 2025. Organisation fees will be not, participation and bus fees will be refunded until May 31, 2025 minus a cancellation fee of 10%. For cancellations received after June 1st, 2025, no fees can be refunded.

An international health insurance with repatriation is mandatory, the certificate of the insurance has to be carried along during the journey. A cancellation insurance and a canoe insurance are recommended.

I have read and accepted the TID Conditions of Participation and agree to comply with them. I take part in the TID at my own risk, I am healthy, can swim and feel up to the efforts of such a sporting event. My boat will be equipped according to the safety regulations (buoyancy aids, life jacket, warning / safety vest in case of rain, fog or poor visibility, boat trolley, lettrage, boat name).
  I agree to the storage of my address for TID purposes, to the forwarding of my address to other TID participants for the purpose of possible carpooling and to the publication of photos in articles about TID on which I am pictured. I assure you that I will respect the personal rights of the persons depicted in my own photos and films and will not violate their legitimate interests.
  When using a bus transfer, I agree to pass on my address to the bus company. If you register only for bus transfers a separate booking confirmation will be sent.

Signature participant *

What else you would like to tell us